Cycling | Akroma's Blessing , Rune of Protection: Artifacts , Renewed Faith , Repopulate , Rescind , Resounding Roar , Resounding Scream , Resounding Silence , Resounding Thunder , Resounding Wave , Ridge Rannet , River Serpent , Rooting Moloch , Rune of Protection: Black , Rejuvenate , Rune of Protection: Blue , Rune of Protection: Green , Rune of Protection: Lands , Rune of Protection: Red , Rune of Protection: White , Sanctuary Smasher , Sandbar Merfolk , Sandbar Serpent , Savage Hunger , Savai Crystal , Savai Triome , Scarab Feast , Remote Isle , Reconnaissance Mission , Scion of Darkness , Pendrell Drake , Memory Leak , Migration Path , Miscalculation , Moaning Wall , Molten Frame , Monstrous Carabid , Monstrous Step , Naya Sojourners , Neutralize , Nimble Obstructionist , Oketra's Attendant , Ominous Seas , Polluted Mire , Rebuild , Power Taint , Primal Boost , Primoc Escapee , Pursue Glory , Quakefoot Cyclops , Radiant's Judgment , Raking Claws , Rampaging Hippo , Rapid Decay , Raugrin Crystal , Raugrin Triome , Razaketh's Rite , Scattered Groves , Scrap , Mage's Guile , Void Beckoner , Unburden , Undead Gladiator , Unearth , Unpredictable Cyclone , Valiant Rescuer , Veiled Serpent , Viashino Sandsprinter , Vile Manifestation , Violent Impact , Viscera Dragger , Vizier of Tumbling Sands , Volcanic Submersion , Titanoth Rex , Wander in Death , Wasteland Scorpion , Wild Dogs , Will of the All-Hunter , Wilt , Windcaller Aven , Winged Shepherd , Wipe Clean , Without Weakness , Yidaro, Wandering Monster , Yoked Plowbeast , Zagoth Crystal , Tranquil Thicket , Thornado , Secluded Steppe , Solar Blast , Shark Typhoon , Shefet Monitor , Sheltered Thicket , Shimmering Barrier , Shimmerscale Drake , Shredded Sails , Sicken , Sigil of the Nayan Gods , Slice and Dice , Slippery Karst , Slipstream Eel , Smoldering Crater , Spark Spray , Tectonic Reformation , Spell Snip , Splendor Mare , Starstorm , Startling Development , Stinging Shot , Stir the Sands , Street Wraith , Striped Riverwinder , Suffocating Fumes , Sunfire Balm , Swat , Sweltering Suns , Marshaling Cry , Macetail Hystrodon , Akroma's Vengeance , Desert of the Glorified , Darkwatch Elves , Deadshot Minotaur , Death Pulse , Decree of Annihilation , Decree of Justice , Decree of Pain , Decree of Savagery , Decree of Silence , Deem Worthy , Desert Cerodon , Desert of the Fervent , Desert of the Indomitable , Countervailing Winds , Desert of the Mindful , Desert of the True , Dirge of Dread , Disciple of Grace , Disciple of Law , Disciple of Malice , Dismantling Wave , Dissenter's Deliverance , Djeru's Renunciation , Djeru's Resolve , Dragon Wings , Drannith Healer , Curator of Mysteries , Coordinated Charge , Drifting Djinn , Blasted Landscape , Angel of the God-Pharaoh , Angelsong , Archfiend of Ifnir , Architects of Will , Astral Drift , Aura Extraction , Avian Oddity , Bant Sojourners , Barkhide Mauler , Barren Moor , Barrier Breach , Beneath the Sands , Bloated Toad , Constricting Tendrils , Boon of the Wish-Giver , Brand , Break Asunder , Canyon Slough , Cast Out , Censor , Choking Tethers , Claws of Wirewood , Clear , Cloud of Faeries , Compelling Argument , Complicate , Drannith Stinger , Drifting Meadow , Lurching Rotbeast , Irrigated Farmland , Horror of the Broken Lands , Hundroog , Hush , Ichor Slick , Imaginary Threats , Imposing Vantasaur , Improvised Armor , Indatha Crystal , Indatha Triome , Inferno Jet , Iron Will , Jund Sojourners , Hieroglyphic Illumination , Jungle Weaver , Keeneye Aven , Ketria Crystal , Ketria Triome , Krosan Tusker , Lava Serpent , Lay Claim , Lay Waste , Limits of Solidarity , Lingering Mirage , Lonely Sandbar , Lull , Hollow One , Haze of Pollen , Easy Prey , Forgotten Cave , Edge of Autumn , Esper Sojourners , Essence Fracture , Expunge , Fade from Memory , Fend Off , Fetid Pools , Flame Jet , Floodwaters , Flourishing Fox , Fluctuator , Footfall Crater , Forsake the Worldly , Hampering Snare , Frostveil Ambush , Gempalm Avenger , Gempalm Incinerator , Gempalm Polluter , Gempalm Sorcerer , Gempalm Strider , Gilded Light , Glassdust Hulk , Go for Blood , Granitic Titan , Greater Sandwurm , Grixis Sojourners , Zagoth Triome (235 identical cards)