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ONS Onslaught

Turn target creature with a morph ability face down. Cycling {U} ({U}, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
Some things are better left unknown.

Card #70
Artist: Pete Venters
Release: 10/2002
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German nameRückrutsch

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
cardfiltering, tribal morph
Card Ties: editNo ties found.


Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Akroma's Blessing
, Akroma's Vengeance
, Angel of the God-Pharaoh
, Angelsong
, Archfiend of Ifnir
, Architects of Will
, Astral Drift
, Aura Extraction
, Avian Oddity
, Bant Sojourners
, Barkhide Mauler
, Barren Moor
, Barrier Breach
, Beneath the Sands
, Blasted Landscape
, Bloated Toad
, Boon of the Wish-Giver
, Brand
, Break Asunder
, Canyon Slough
Cycling {U}
Other Cards with this ability:*
Akroma's Blessing
, Akroma's Vengeance
, Angel of the God-Pharaoh
, Angelsong
, Archfiend of Ifnir
, Architects of Will
, Astral Drift
, Aura Extraction
, Avian Oddity
, Bant Sojourners
, Barkhide Mauler
, Barren Moor
, Barrier Breach
, Beneath the Sands
, Blasted Landscape
, Bloated Toad
, Boon of the Wish-Giver
, Brand
, Break Asunder
, Canyon Slough
, Cast Out
Turn target creature with a morph ability face down.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
Turn target creature with a morph ability face down.
No other Cards with this ability.
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
CyclingAkroma's Blessing
, Rune of Protection: Artifacts
, Renewed Faith
, Repopulate
, Rescind
, Resounding Roar
, Resounding Scream
, Resounding Silence
, Resounding Thunder
, Resounding Wave
, Ridge Rannet
, River Serpent
, Rooting Moloch
, Rune of Protection: Black
, Rejuvenate
, Rune of Protection: Blue
, Rune of Protection: Green
, Rune of Protection: Lands
, Rune of Protection: Red
, Rune of Protection: White
, Sanctuary Smasher
, Sandbar Merfolk
, Sandbar Serpent
, Savage Hunger
, Savai Crystal
, Savai Triome
, Scarab Feast
, Remote Isle
, Reconnaissance Mission
, Scion of Darkness
, Pendrell Drake
, Memory Leak
, Migration Path
, Miscalculation
, Moaning Wall
, Molten Frame
, Monstrous Carabid
, Monstrous Step
, Naya Sojourners
, Neutralize
, Nimble Obstructionist
, Oketra's Attendant
, Ominous Seas
, Polluted Mire
, Rebuild
, Power Taint
, Primal Boost
, Primoc Escapee
, Pursue Glory
, Quakefoot Cyclops
, Radiant's Judgment
, Raking Claws
, Rampaging Hippo
, Rapid Decay
, Raugrin Crystal
, Raugrin Triome
, Razaketh's Rite
, Scattered Groves
, Scrap
, Mage's Guile
, Void Beckoner
, Unburden
, Undead Gladiator
, Unearth
, Unpredictable Cyclone
, Valiant Rescuer
, Veiled Serpent
, Viashino Sandsprinter
, Vile Manifestation
, Violent Impact
, Viscera Dragger
, Vizier of Tumbling Sands
, Volcanic Submersion
, Titanoth Rex
, Wander in Death
, Wasteland Scorpion
, Wild Dogs
, Will of the All-Hunter
, Wilt
, Windcaller Aven
, Winged Shepherd
, Wipe Clean
, Without Weakness
, Yidaro, Wandering Monster
, Yoked Plowbeast
, Zagoth Crystal
, Tranquil Thicket
, Thornado
, Secluded Steppe
, Solar Blast
, Shark Typhoon
, Shefet Monitor
, Sheltered Thicket
, Shimmering Barrier
, Shimmerscale Drake
, Shredded Sails
, Sicken
, Sigil of the Nayan Gods
, Slice and Dice
, Slippery Karst
, Slipstream Eel
, Smoldering Crater
, Spark Spray
, Tectonic Reformation
, Spell Snip
, Splendor Mare
, Starstorm
, Startling Development
, Stinging Shot
, Stir the Sands
, Street Wraith
, Striped Riverwinder
, Suffocating Fumes
, Sunfire Balm
, Swat
, Sweltering Suns
, Marshaling Cry
, Macetail Hystrodon
, Akroma's Vengeance
, Desert of the Glorified
, Darkwatch Elves
, Deadshot Minotaur
, Death Pulse
, Decree of Annihilation
, Decree of Justice
, Decree of Pain
, Decree of Savagery
, Decree of Silence
, Deem Worthy
, Desert Cerodon
, Desert of the Fervent
, Desert of the Indomitable
, Countervailing Winds
, Desert of the Mindful
, Desert of the True
, Dirge of Dread
, Disciple of Grace
, Disciple of Law
, Disciple of Malice
, Dismantling Wave
, Dissenter's Deliverance
, Djeru's Renunciation
, Djeru's Resolve
, Dragon Wings
, Drannith Healer
, Curator of Mysteries
, Coordinated Charge
, Drifting Djinn
, Blasted Landscape
, Angel of the God-Pharaoh
, Angelsong
, Archfiend of Ifnir
, Architects of Will
, Astral Drift
, Aura Extraction
, Avian Oddity
, Bant Sojourners
, Barkhide Mauler
, Barren Moor
, Barrier Breach
, Beneath the Sands
, Bloated Toad
, Constricting Tendrils
, Boon of the Wish-Giver
, Brand
, Break Asunder
, Canyon Slough
, Cast Out
, Censor
, Choking Tethers
, Claws of Wirewood
, Clear
, Cloud of Faeries
, Compelling Argument
, Complicate
, Drannith Stinger
, Drifting Meadow
, Lurching Rotbeast
, Irrigated Farmland
, Horror of the Broken Lands
, Hundroog
, Hush
, Ichor Slick
, Imaginary Threats
, Imposing Vantasaur
, Improvised Armor
, Indatha Crystal
, Indatha Triome
, Inferno Jet
, Iron Will
, Jund Sojourners
, Hieroglyphic Illumination
, Jungle Weaver
, Keeneye Aven
, Ketria Crystal
, Ketria Triome
, Krosan Tusker
, Lava Serpent
, Lay Claim
, Lay Waste
, Limits of Solidarity
, Lingering Mirage
, Lonely Sandbar
, Lull
, Hollow One
, Haze of Pollen
, Easy Prey
, Forgotten Cave
, Edge of Autumn
, Esper Sojourners
, Essence Fracture
, Expunge
, Fade from Memory
, Fend Off
, Fetid Pools
, Flame Jet
, Floodwaters
, Flourishing Fox
, Fluctuator
, Footfall Crater
, Forsake the Worldly
, Hampering Snare
, Frostveil Ambush
, Gempalm Avenger
, Gempalm Incinerator
, Gempalm Polluter
, Gempalm Sorcerer
, Gempalm Strider
, Gilded Light
, Glassdust Hulk
, Go for Blood
, Granitic Titan
, Greater Sandwurm
, Grixis Sojourners
, Zagoth Triome

(235 identical cards)

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