Bloated Toad

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GU Urza's Legacy
Creature - Frog

Protection from blue Cycling {2} ({2}, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

Card #97
Artist: Una Fricker
Release: 02/1999
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German nameBlähkröte

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
cardfiltering, protection U
Card Ties: editNo ties found.


Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Akroma's Blessing
, Akroma's Vengeance
, Angel of the God-Pharaoh
, Angelsong
, Archfiend of Ifnir
, Architects of Will
, Astral Drift
, Aura Extraction
, Avian Oddity
, Backslide
, Bant Sojourners
, Barkhide Mauler
, Barren Moor
, Barrier Breach
, Beneath the Sands
, Blasted Landscape
, Boon of the Wish-Giver
, Brand
, Break Asunder
, Canyon Slough
Cycling {2}
Other Cards with this ability:*
Akroma's Blessing
, Akroma's Vengeance
, Angel of the God-Pharaoh
, Angelsong
, Archfiend of Ifnir
, Architects of Will
, Astral Drift
, Aura Extraction
, Avian Oddity
, Backslide
, Bant Sojourners
, Barkhide Mauler
, Barren Moor
, Barrier Breach
, Beneath the Sands
, Blasted Landscape
, Boon of the Wish-Giver
, Brand
, Break Asunder
, Canyon Slough
, Cast Out
Protection from blue
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Goblin Piledriver
, Guma
, Karoo Meerkat
, Mistcutter Hydra
, Nacatl Outlander
, Oversoul of Dusk
, Scragnoth
, Scryb Ranger
, Shifting Ceratops
, Skylasher
, Voice of Reason
, Windreaper Falcon
, Yavimaya Barbarian
Protection from blue
Other Cards with this ability:*
Goblin Piledriver
, Guma
, Karoo Meerkat
, Mistcutter Hydra
, Nacatl Outlander
, Oversoul of Dusk
, Scragnoth
, Scryb Ranger
, Shifting Ceratops
, Skylasher
, Voice of Reason
, Windreaper Falcon
, Yavimaya Barbarian
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
Protection from blue
No identical cards. For this set of abilities.

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