Abuna's Chant

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5DN Fifth Dawn

Choose one - ° You gain 5 life. ° Prevent the next 5 damage that would be dealt to target creature this turn. Entwine {2} (Choose both if you pay the entwine cost.)

Card #1
Artist: John Matson
Release: 06/2004
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German nameAbunas Gesang

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
lifegain, prevent creature
Card Ties: editsimilar to Angel's Mercy, Mangara's Blessing, Recuperate


Choose one -
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
, Abzan Charm
, Active Volcano
, Aether Shockwave
, Alabaster Potion
, Alley Evasion
, Angrath's Rampage
, Archmage's Charm
, Azorius Charm
, Bant Charm
, Barbed Lightning
, Betrayal of Flesh
, Blinding Beam
, Blue Elemental Blast
, Boros Charm
, Buccaneer's Bravado
, Chaos Charm
, Cleansing Nova
, Cleansing Ray
, Consult the Necrosages
Choose one -
Other Cards with this ability:*
, Abzan Charm
, Active Volcano
, Aether Shockwave
, Alabaster Potion
, Alley Evasion
, Angrath's Rampage
, Archmage's Charm
, Atalya, Samite Master
, Azorius Charm
, Balm of Restoration
, Bant Charm
, Barbed Lightning
, Betrayal of Flesh
, Blinding Beam
, Blue Elemental Blast
, Boros Charm
, Bow of Nylea
, Breya, Etherium Shaper
, Buccaneer's Bravado
, Chaos Charm
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Barbed Lightning
, Betrayal of Flesh
, Blinding Beam
, Dream's Grip
, Goblin War Party
, Grab the Reins
, Incite War
, Journey of Discovery
, Kaya's Guile
, One Dozen Eyes
, Plunge into Darkness
, Promise of Power
, Rain of Rust
, Reap and Sow
, Road of Return
, Roar of the Kha
, Rude Awakening
, Savage Beating
, Second Sight
, Shriveling Rot
Entwine {2}
Other Cards with this ability:*
Barbed Lightning
, Betrayal of Flesh
, Blinding Beam
, Dream's Grip
, Goblin War Party
, Grab the Reins
, Incite War
, Journey of Discovery
, Kaya's Guile
, One Dozen Eyes
, Plunge into Darkness
, Promise of Power
, Rain of Rust
, Reap and Sow
, Road of Return
, Roar of the Kha
, Rude Awakening
, Savage Beating
, Second Sight
, Shriveling Rot
, Solar Tide
° Prevent the next 5 damage that would be dealt to target creature this turn.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
° Prevent the next 5 damage that would be dealt to target creature this turn.
No other Cards with this ability.
° You gain 5 life.
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Breya, Etherium Shaper
, Dromar's Charm
, Righteous Confluence
° You gain 5 life.
Other Cards with this ability:*
Breya, Etherium Shaper
, Dromar's Charm
, Righteous Confluence
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
Choose one -
° You gain 5 life.
No identical cards. For this set of abilities.

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