Kaya's Guile

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MH1 Modern Horizons

Choose two - ° Each opponent sacrifices a creature. ° Exile all cards from each opponent's graveyard. ° Create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying. ° You gain 4 life. Entwine {3} (Choose all if you pay the entwine cost.)

Card #205
Artist: Jason Rainville
Release: 06/2019
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German nameKayas Arglist

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Choose two -
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Atarka's Command
, Austere Command
, Cryptic Command
, Dromoka's Command
, Incendiary Command
, Kolaghan's Command
, Ojutai's Command
, Primal Command
, Profane Command
, Silumgar's Command
, Very Cryptic Command
, Very Cryptic Command (b)
Choose two -
Other Cards with this ability:*
Atarka's Command
, Austere Command
, Cryptic Command
, Dromoka's Command
, Incendiary Command
, Kolaghan's Command
, Ojutai's Command
, Primal Command
, Profane Command
, Silumgar's Command
, Very Cryptic Command
, Very Cryptic Command (b)
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Abuna's Chant
, Barbed Lightning
, Betrayal of Flesh
, Blinding Beam
, Dream's Grip
, Goblin War Party
, Grab the Reins
, Incite War
, Journey of Discovery
, One Dozen Eyes
, Plunge into Darkness
, Promise of Power
, Rain of Rust
, Reap and Sow
, Road of Return
, Roar of the Kha
, Rude Awakening
, Savage Beating
, Second Sight
, Shriveling Rot
Entwine {3}
Other Cards with this ability:*
Abuna's Chant
, Barbed Lightning
, Betrayal of Flesh
, Blinding Beam
, Dream's Grip
, Goblin War Party
, Grab the Reins
, Incite War
, Journey of Discovery
, One Dozen Eyes
, Plunge into Darkness
, Promise of Power
, Rain of Rust
, Reap and Sow
, Road of Return
, Roar of the Kha
, Rude Awakening
, Savage Beating
, Second Sight
, Shriveling Rot
, Solar Tide
° Create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
° Create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.
No other Cards with this ability.
° Each opponent sacrifices a creature.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
° Each opponent sacrifices a creature.
No other Cards with this ability.
° Exile all cards from each opponent's graveyard.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
° Exile all cards from each opponent's graveyard.
No other Cards with this ability.
° You gain 4 life.
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Knight of Autumn
, Light of Hope
, Ojutai's Command
, Planewide Celebration
, Trufflesnout
° You gain 4 life.
Other Cards with this ability:*
Knight of Autumn
, Light of Hope
, Ojutai's Command
, Planewide Celebration
, Trufflesnout
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
Choose two -
° You gain 4 life.
No identical cards. For this set of abilities.

Decks with Kaya's Guile

Commander3 Commander decks

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