ISD Innistrad |
C Sorcery As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature. Add {R}{R}{R}. "Oh mighty Griselbrand, Scourge of the Heedless World, gladly I consume myself for thee!" Card #148 Artist: Daarken Release: 09/2011 |
German name | Sturz in die Hölle |
Card Tags / Ties
Card Tags: edit | drawback cast restriction, mana R, sacrifice creature |
Card Ties: edit | No ties found. |
Add {R}{R}{R}. Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:* Desperate Ritual , Pyretic Ritual | |
Add {R}{R}{R}.
Other Cards with this ability:* Coal Golem , Desperate Ritual , Pyretic Ritual , Runaway Steam-Kin , Satyr Hedonist | |
As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature. Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:* Altar of Bone , Altar's Reap , Blood Divination , Blood for Bones , Bone Splinters , Burnt Offering , Call for Blood , Carrion , Collateral Damage , Culling the Weak , Death Bomb , Demon of Catastrophes , Diabolic Intent , Eldritch Evolution , Endemic Plague , Fiery Conclusion , Final Strike , Flesh Allergy , Fling , Goremand | |
As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature.
Other Cards with this ability:* Altar of Bone , Altar's Reap , Blood Divination , Blood for Bones , Bone Splinters , Burnt Offering , Call for Blood , Carrion , Collateral Damage , Culling the Weak , Death Bomb , Demon of Catastrophes , Diabolic Intent , Eldritch Evolution , Endemic Plague , Fiery Conclusion , Final Strike , Flesh Allergy , Fling , Goremand , Ichor Explosion | |
* maximum of 20 other cards shown | |
Identical Cards (with matching abilities) | |
Add {R}{R}{R}. As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature. | No identical cards.
For this set of abilities. |
Decks with Infernal Plunge
Casual | 1 Casual deck | |
Sealed | 3 Sealed decks |

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