Ethersworn Adjudicator

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C16 Commander 2016CON Conflux
Artifact Creature - Vedalken Knight

Flying {1}{W}{B}, {T}: Destroy target creature or enchantment. {2}{U}: Untap Ethersworn Adjudicator.
Esper mages devised their weapons to be so devastating that war seemed unnecessary.

Card #90
Artist: Dan Scott
Release: 11/2016
Artifact Creature - Vedalken Knight

Flying {1}{W}{B}, {T}: Destroy target creature or enchantment. {2}{U}: Untap Ethersworn Adjudicator.
Esper mages devised their weapons to be so devastating that war seemed unnecessary.

Card #26
Artist: Dan Scott
Release: 02/2009
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German nameÄthergläubiger Aburteiler

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
destroy creature, destroy enchantment, evasion, removal, untap itself
Card Ties: editobsoletes Vigilant Drake
similar to Blizzard Elemental


{1}{W}{B}, {T}:Destroy target creature or enchantment.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
{1}{W}{B}, {T}:
No other Cards with this activation cost.
Destroy target creature or enchantment.
Other Cards with this ability:*
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Abbey Gargoyles
, Abbey Griffin
, Aberrant Researcher
, Abhorrent Overlord
, Abolisher of Bloodlines
, Abomination of Gudul
, Abyssal Horror
, Abyssal Persecutor
, Abyssal Specter
, Abzan Skycaptain
, Academy Drake
, Acid-Spewer Dragon
, Adarkar Valkyrie
, Adarkar Windform
, Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
, Admonition Angel
, Advanced Hoverguard
, Advanced Stitchwing
, Aegis Angel
, Aerial Caravan
Other Cards with this ability:*
Abbey Gargoyles
, Abbey Griffin
, Aberrant Researcher
, Abhorrent Overlord
, Abolisher of Bloodlines
, Abomination of Gudul
, Abyssal Horror
, Abyssal Persecutor
, Abyssal Specter
, Abzan Skycaptain
, Academy Drake
, Acid-Spewer Dragon
, Adarkar Valkyrie
, Adarkar Windform
, Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
, Admonition Angel
, Advanced Hoverguard
, Advanced Stitchwing
, Aegis Angel
, Aerial Caravan
, Aerial Guide
{2}{U}:Untap CARDNAME.
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Vigilant Drake
Other Cards with this activation cost:*
Agent of Horizons
, Agoraphobia
, Air Servant
, Amphin Pathmage
, Azorius Guildmage
, Crab Umbra
, Daring Saboteur
, Escape Routes
, Filigree Sages
, Ixidor, Reality Sculptor
, Izzet Guildmage
, Keen Glidemaster
, Kjeldoran Pride
, Merfolk Seastalkers
, Midnight Clock
, Passwall Adept
, Riddleform
, Rummaging Wizard
, Savage Knuckleblade
, Shapesharer
Other Cards with this ability:*
Altar Golem
, Barrenton Medic
, Basalt Monolith
, Blizzard Elemental
, Cinderhaze Wretch
, Devoted Druid
, Glimmerbell
, Greater Morphling
, Grim Monolith
, Honor-Worn Shaku
, Horseshoe Crab
, Mage-Ring Responder
, Morphling
, Phyrexian Colossus
, Phyrexian Ironfoot
, Retrofitter Foundry
, Simic Ragworm
, Soliton
, Staff of Domination
, Torchling
, Vigilant Drake
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
Destroy target creature or enchantment.
No identical cards. For this set of abilities.

Decks with Ethersworn Adjudicator

Casual2 Casual decks
Commander4 Commander decks
Cube1 Cube deck
Highlander2 Highlander decks
Product1 Product deck
Standard1 Standard deck

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