DDH Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas | M11 Magic 2011 |
C Enchantment At the beginning of your upkeep, you may gain 1 life. "He hasn't returned to the Cloud Forest. But I can still sense his calming presence." Card #22 Artist: James Paick Release: 09/2011 | C Enchantment At the beginning of your upkeep, you may gain 1 life. "He hasn't returned to the Cloud Forest. But I can still sense his calming presence." Card #2 Artist: James Paick Release: 07/2010 |
German name | Ajanis Mantra |
Card Tags / Ties
Card Tags: edit | lifegain, trigger upkeep |
Card Ties: edit | obsoletes Farmstead , Convalescence better than Spiritual Sanctuary similar to Recumbent Bliss , Honden of Cleansing Fire |
At the beginning of your upkeep, you may gain 1 life. Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:* Recumbent Bliss | |
At the beginning of your upkeep Other Cards with this trigger:* "Ach! Hans, Run!" , Aberrant Researcher , Abhorrent Overlord , Abzan Beastmaster , Act of Authority , Aether Rift , Aether Vial , Afiya Grove , Agent of Masks , Akroan Horse , Aku Djinn , Akuta, Born of Ash , All Hallow's Eve , Amplifire , Ana Sanctuary , Angel of Flight Alabaster , Anowon, the Ruin Sage , Anurid Scavenger , Apocalypse Demon , Arcades Sabboth | At the beginning of your upkeep, you may gain 1 life.
Other Cards with this ability:* Recumbent Bliss |
* maximum of 20 other cards shown | |
Identical Cards (with matching abilities) | |
At the beginning of your upkeep, you may gain 1 life. | Recumbent Bliss (1 identical cards) |
Decks with Ajani's Mantra
Limited:other | 1 Limited:other deck | |
Product | 2 Product decks | |
Sealed | 1 Sealed deck |

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