Info | Cards | Manakurve | Mana | Compare | ||
Sigarda, Host of Herons gostner Commander 30.08.20 49 months 10 days | 99 | +1 Argivian Find +1 regrowth +1 null rod +1 torpor orb |
-1 auramancer -1 monk idealist -1 sacred mesa -1 quarantine field | |||
Sigarda, Host of Herons gostner Commander 01.04.20 5 months 0 days | 99 | +1 Setessan Champion +1 archon of sun's grace +1 elspeth bezwingt den tod +1 rancor +1 kenrith's transformation +1 calix, destiny's hand +1 hall of heliod's generosity |
-1 Argivian Find -1 regrowth -1 harmonize -1 mirri's guile -1 mobilization -1 faith's fetters -1 crystal chimes | |||
Sigarda, Host of Herons gostner Commander 04.05.19 11 months 2 days | 99 | +1 auramancer +1 satyr-verzauberer +1 Wheel of Sun and Moon +1 horizon canopy |
-1 herald of the pantheon -1 ajani's chosen -1 arboria -1 temple of plenty | |||
Sigarda, Host of Herons gostner Commander 30.04.16 36 months 19 days | 99 |
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