Wicked Reward

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VI Visions

As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature. Target creature gets +4/+2 until end of turn.
"The blood on my hands is merely proof of my ambition."

Artist: D. Alexander Gregory
Release: 02/1997
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German nameUnmoralische Belohnung

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
drawback cast restriction, pump power, pump toughness, sacrifice creature
Card Ties: editNo ties found.


As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature.
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Altar of Bone
, Altar's Reap
, Blood Divination
, Blood for Bones
, Bone Splinters
, Burnt Offering
, Call for Blood
, Carrion
, Collateral Damage
, Culling the Weak
, Death Bomb
, Demon of Catastrophes
, Diabolic Intent
, Eldritch Evolution
, Endemic Plague
, Fiery Conclusion
, Final Strike
, Flesh Allergy
, Fling
, Goremand
As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature.
Other Cards with this ability:*
Altar of Bone
, Altar's Reap
, Blood Divination
, Blood for Bones
, Bone Splinters
, Burnt Offering
, Call for Blood
, Carrion
, Collateral Damage
, Culling the Weak
, Death Bomb
, Demon of Catastrophes
, Diabolic Intent
, Eldritch Evolution
, Endemic Plague
, Fiery Conclusion
, Final Strike
, Flesh Allergy
, Fling
, Goremand
, Ichor Explosion
Target creature gets +4/+2 until end of turn.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
Target creature gets +4/+2 until end of turn.
No other Cards with this ability.
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature.Altar of Bone
, Ritual of the Machine
, Metamorphosis
, Mind Extraction
, Momentous Fall
, Mutual Destruction
, Neoform
, Reckless Abandon
, Rescue from the Underworld
, Rite of Consumption
, Sacrifice
, Life's Legacy
, Scapegoat
, Severed Strands
, Skulltap
, Spontaneous Combustion
, Tendrils of Despair
, Thud
, Tormented Thoughts
, Village Rites
, Vivisection
, Mask of the Mimic
, Launch Party
, Altar's Reap
, Demon of Catastrophes
, Blood Divination
, Blood for Bones
, Bone Splinters
, Burnt Offering
, Call for Blood
, Carrion
, Collateral Damage
, Culling the Weak
, Death Bomb
, Diabolic Intent
, Kazuul's Fury
, Eldritch Evolution
, Endemic Plague
, Fiery Conclusion
, Final Strike
, Flesh Allergy
, Fling
, Goremand
, Ichor Explosion
, Infernal Plunge
, Worthy Cause

(46 identical cards)

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