War-Spike Changeling

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MMA Modern MastersMOR Morningtide
Creature - Shapeshifter

Changeling (This card is every creature type.) {R}: War-Spike Changeling gains first strike until end of turn.
"Aren't there boggarts enough in Lorwyn? Couldn't it turn into a sheep? Or a sunflower?"

Card #139
Artist: Mark Poole
Release: 06/2013
Creature - Shapeshifter

Changeling (This card is every creature type.) {R}: War-Spike Changeling gains first strike until end of turn.
"Aren't there boggarts enough in Lorwyn? Couldn't it turn into a sheep? Or a sunflower?"

Card #112
Artist: Mark Poole
Release: 02/2008
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German nameKampfdorn-Wandelwicht

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
first strike, tribal
Card Ties: editNo ties found.


{R}:CARDNAME gains first strike until end of turn.
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Disciple of the Old Ways
, Orcish Veteran
, Saberclaw Golem
, Skyship Stalker
Other Cards with this activation cost:*
Aetherflame Wall
, Agent of Stromgald
, Akroma, Angel of Fury
, Ali Baba
, Ancient Hellkite
, Angelfire Crusader
, Avatar of Fury
, Balthor the Stout
, Basalt Gargoyle
, Basandra, Battle Seraph
, Boldwyr Intimidator
, Brallin, Skyshark Rider
, Break Through the Line
, Captive Flame
, Cavern Crawler
, Chaos Harlequin
, Char-Rumbler
, Chartooth Cougar
, Cinder Crawler
, Colos Yearling
CARDNAME gains first strike until end of turn.
Other Cards with this ability:*
Boreal Griffin
, Boros Reckoner
, Burning Shield Askari
, Disciple of the Old Ways
, Emerald Dragonfly
, Icatian Infantry
, Kessig Wolf
, Knight of Stromgald
, Mantis Engine
, Moorland Inquisitor
, Noble Panther
, Orcish Veteran
, Order of Leitbur
, Order of the Ebon Hand
, Order of the White Shield
, Patrol Hound
, Pestilent Kathari
, Saberclaw Golem
, Skyship Stalker
, Slaughter-Priest of Mogis
, Stillmoon Cavalier
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Amoeboid Changeling
, Avian Changeling
, Blades of Velis Vel
, Cairn Wanderer
, Chameleon Colossus
, Changeling Berserker
, Changeling Hero
, Changeling Outcast
, Changeling Sentinel
, Changeling Titan
, Crib Swap
, Ego Erasure
, Fire-Belly Changeling
, Game-Trail Changeling
, Ghostly Changeling
, Graveshifter
, Impostor of the Sixth Pride
, Irregular Cohort
, Mirror Entity
, Moonglove Changeling
Other Cards with this ability:*
Amoeboid Changeling
, Avian Changeling
, Blades of Velis Vel
, Cairn Wanderer
, Chameleon Colossus
, Changeling Berserker
, Changeling Hero
, Changeling Outcast
, Changeling Sentinel
, Changeling Titan
, Crib Swap
, Ego Erasure
, Fire-Belly Changeling
, Game-Trail Changeling
, Ghostly Changeling
, Graveshifter
, Impostor of the Sixth Pride
, Irregular Cohort
, Mirror Entity
, Moonglove Changeling
, Morophon, the Boundless
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
CARDNAME gains first strike until end of turn.
No identical cards. For this set of abilities.

Decks with War-Spike Changeling

Commander1 Commander deck
Draft1 Draft deck
Highlander1 Highlander deck
Limited: other1 Limited: other deck
Sealed1 Sealed deck

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