Goblin Welder

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CM2 Commander Anthology Volume II DDU Duel Decks: Elves vs. InventorsC14 Commander 2014GU Urza's Legacy
Creature - Goblin Artificer

{T}: Choose target artifact a player controls and target artifact card in that player's graveyard. If both targets are still legal as this ability resolves, that player simultaneously sacrifices the artifact and returns the artifact card to the battlefield.
"I wrecked your metal guy, boss. But look! I made you an ashtray."

Card #101
Artist: Scott M. Fischer
Release: 06/2018
Creature - Goblin Artificer

{T}: Choose target artifact a player controls and target artifact card in that player's graveyard. If both targets are still legal as this ability resolves, that player simultaneously sacrifices the artifact and returns the artifact card to the battlefield.

Card #35
Artist: Victor Adame Minguez
Release: 04/2018
Creature - Goblin Artificer

{T}: Choose target artifact a player controls and target artifact card in that player's graveyard. If both targets are still legal as this ability resolves, that player simultaneously sacrifices the artifact and returns the artifact card to the battlefield.
"I wrecked your metal guy, boss. But look! I made you an ashtray."

Card #177
Artist: Scott M. Fischer
Release: 11/2014
Creature - Goblin Artificer

{T}: Choose target artifact a player controls and target artifact card in that player's graveyard. If both targets are still legal as this ability resolves, that player simultaneously sacrifices the artifact and returns the artifact card to the battlefield.
"I wrecked your metal guy, boss. But look I made you an ashtray."

Card #80
Artist: Scott M. Fischer
Release: 02/1999
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German nameGoblinschweißmeister

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
reanimate artifact, sacrifice artifact
Card Ties: editNo ties found.


{T}:Choose target artifact a player controls and target artifact card in that player's graveyard. If both targets are still legal as this ability resolves, that player simultaneously sacrifices the artifact and returns the artifact card to the battlefield.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
Other Cards with this activation cost:*
Abandoned Outpost
, Abuna Acolyte
, Abzan Banner
, Academy Ruins
, Adanto, the First Fort
, Adarkar Unicorn
, Adarkar Valkyrie
, Adarkar Wastes
, Aether Hub
, Aether Vial
, Agadeem Occultist
, Agadeem, the Undercrypt
, Akki Drillmaster
, Akoum Refuge
, Akoum Teeth
, Alabaster Wall
, Alaborn Veteran
, Alchemist's Refuge
, Alloy Myr
, Alluring Siren
Choose target artifact a player controls and target artifact card in that player's graveyard. If both targets are still legal as this ability resolves, that player simultaneously sacrifices the artifact and returns the artifact card to the battlefield.
No other Cards with this ability.
* maximum of 20 other cards shown

Decks with Goblin Welder

Casual1 Casual deck
Commander2 Commander decks
Cube1 Cube deck
Highlander1 Highlander deck
Legacy6 Legacy decks
Limited:other1 Limited:other deck
Product3 Product decks
Standard1 Standard deck

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