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EMA Eternal MastersCHK Champions of Kamigawa
Legendary Creature - Fox Cleric

{1}{W}: Target permanent you control gains protection from white until end of turn. {1}: Target spell or permanent becomes white until end of turn.
"Virtue is an inner light that can prevail in every soul."

Card #7
Artist: Daren Bader
Release: 06/2016
Legendary Creature - Fox Cleric

{1}{W}: Target permanent you control gains protection from white until end of turn. {1}: Target spell or permanent becomes white until end of turn.
"Virtue is an inner light that can prevail in every soul."

Card #8
Artist: Daren Bader
Release: 10/2004
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German nameAcht-Schwänze-und-ein-halber

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
change color, protection W
Card Ties: editNo ties found.


{1}{W}:Target permanent you control gains protection from white until end of turn.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
Other Cards with this activation cost:*
Alabaster Mage
, Auriok Salvagers
, Avacyn, Guardian Angel
, Balan, Wandering Knight
, Boros Guildmage
, Cage of Hands
, Capashen Knight
, Chronosavant
, Circle of Protection: Art
, Circle of Solace
, Cloudheath Drake
, Coastline Chimera
, Combat Medic
, Companion of the Trials
, Daily Regimen
, Decorated Griffin
, Deftblade Elite
, Detainment Spell
, Felidar Umbra
, Forbidding Watchtower
Target permanent you control gains protection from white until end of turn.
No other Cards with this ability.
{1}:Target spell or permanent becomes white until end of turn.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
Other Cards with this activation cost:*
Adarkar Sentinel
, Aegis of Honor
, Aetherling
, Arnjlot's Ascent
, Auriok Siege Sled
, Autumn-Tail, Kitsune Sage
, Beacon Behemoth
, Blighted Bat
, Blinkmoth Nexus
, Bloodthirsty Blade
, Bog Initiate
, Brightling
, Brutal Deceiver
, Burden of Guilt
, Callous Deceiver
, Carrion Ants
, Chimeric Mass
, Circle of Protection: Black
, Circle of Protection: Blue
, Circle of Protection: Green
Target spell or permanent becomes white until end of turn.
No other Cards with this ability.
* maximum of 20 other cards shown

Decks with Eight-and-a-Half-Tails

Casual2 Casual decks
Commander5 Commander decks
Cube2 Cube decks
Highlander3 Highlander decks
Standard1 Standard deck

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