TSP Time Spiral |
R Creature - Giant {1}{W}: Return Chronosavant from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped. You skip your next turn. "In my dreams, I hear the voices of my future selves who have died in times yet to come. I use that knowledge to avoid those dark futures and continue my search for peace." Card #9 Artist: Pete Venters Release: 10/2006 |
German name | Zeitkundiger |
Card Tags / Ties
Card Tags: edit | drawback effect restriction, reanimate itself, turnstructure turn |
Card Ties: edit | No ties found. |
{1}{W}:Return CARDNAME from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped. You skip your next turn. No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost. | |
{1}{W}: Other Cards with this activation cost:* Alabaster Mage, Auriok Salvagers, Avacyn, Guardian Angel, Balan, Wandering Knight, Boros Guildmage, Cage of Hands, Capashen Knight, Circle of Protection: Art, Circle of Solace, Cloudheath Drake, Coastline Chimera, Combat Medic, Companion of the Trials, Daily Regimen, Decorated Griffin, Deftblade Elite, Detainment Spell, Eight-and-a-Half-Tails, Felidar Umbra, Forbidding Watchtower | Return CARDNAME from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped. You skip your next turn.
No other Cards with this ability. |
* maximum of 20 other cards shown |
Decks with Chronosavant
Cube | 1 Cube deck | |
Standard | 1 Standard deck |
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