CMA Commander Anthology | CMD Commander Decks | HOP Planechase | RAV Ravnica: City of Guilds |
U Creature - Human Wizard {1}{R}: Target creature gains haste until end of turn. {1}{W}: Target creature gains first strike until end of turn. Card #199 Artist: Parente Release: 06/2017 | U Creature - Human Wizard {1}{R}: Target creature gains haste until end of turn. {1}{W}: Target creature gains first strike until end of turn. Card #186 Artist: Parente Release: 06/2011 | U Creature - Human Wizard {1}{R}: Target creature gains haste until end of turn. {1}{W}: Target creature gains first strike until end of turn. Card #99 Artist: Parente Release: 09/2009 | U Creature - Human Wizard {1}{R}: Target creature gains haste until end of turn. {1}{W}: Target creature gains first strike until end of turn. Card #242 Artist: Paolo Parente Release: 10/2005 |
German name | Boros-Gildenmagier |
Card Tags / Ties
Card Tags: edit | first strike, haste |
Card Ties: edit | similar to Akki Drillmaster, Crimson Mage |
Decks with Boros Guildmage
Casual | 3 Casual decks | |
Commander | 2 Commander decks | |
Draft | 1 Draft deck | |
Product | 2 Product decks |
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