DKA Dark Ascension |
MR Creature - Human Wizard {T}: Gain control of target creature with power less than or equal to the number of creatures you control. "Come, let me free you of the tyranny of thought." Card #28 Artist: Eric Deschamps Release: 02/2012 |
German name | Willenstäuscherin |
Card Tags / Ties
Card Tags: edit | control creature, drawback conditional, scale creature |
Card Ties: edit | No ties found. |
{T}:Gain control of target creature with power less than or equal to the number of creatures you control. No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost. | |
{T}: Other Cards with this activation cost:* Abandoned Outpost, Abuna Acolyte, Abzan Banner, Academy Ruins, Adanto, the First Fort, Adarkar Unicorn, Adarkar Valkyrie, Adarkar Wastes, Aether Hub, Aether Vial, Agadeem Occultist, Agadeem, the Undercrypt, Akki Drillmaster, Akoum Refuge, Akoum Teeth, Alabaster Wall, Alaborn Veteran, Alchemist's Refuge, Alloy Myr, Alluring Siren | Gain control of target creature with power less than or equal to the number of creatures you control.
No other Cards with this ability. |
* maximum of 20 other cards shown |
Decks with Beguiler of Wills
Casual | 1 Casual deck | |
Commander | 2 Commander decks | |
Highlander | 2 Highlander decks | |
Standard | 1 Standard deck |
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