ZNR Zendikar Rising |
C Creature - Human Wizard When Ardent Electromancer enters the battlefield, add {R} for each creature in your party. (Your party consists of up to one each of Cleric, Rogue, Warrior, and Wizard.) "Trust me, we won't need torches." Card #135 Artist: Lie Setiawan Release: 09/2020 |
German name | Heißblütige Elektromagierin |
Card Tags / Ties
When CARDNAME enters the battlefield, add {R} for each creature in your party. No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost. | |
When CARDNAME enters the battlefield Other Cards with this trigger:* Abbot of Keral Keep , Abduction , Abhorrent Overlord , Abominable Treefolk , Abundant Growth , Abyssal Horror , Abzan Ascendancy , Academy Journeymage , Academy Researchers , Acclaimed Contender , Accursed Centaur , Acid Web Spider , Acidic Slime , Acolyte of Affliction , Acquisitions Expert , Act of Authority , Adder-Staff Boggart , Aegis Angel , Aether Adept , Aether Searcher | When CARDNAME enters the battlefield, add {R} for each creature in your party.
No other Cards with this ability. |
* maximum of 20 other cards shown |

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