Ancient of the Equinox

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SOI Shadows over Innistrad
Creature - Treefolk

Trample, hexproof
"When the leaves fall and the nights grow cold, look elsewhere for firewood."

Card #194
Artist: Jaime Jones
Release: 04/2016
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German nameUrwesen der Tagundnachtgleiche

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
hexproof, trample
Card Ties: editNo ties found.


Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Arboretum Elemental
, As Luck Would Have It
, Ascended Lawmage
, Aven Fleetwing
, Bassara Tower Archer
, Bastion Inventor
, Belltoll Dragon
, Benthic Giant
, Carnage Tyrant
, Cold-Water Snapper
, Conifer Strider
, Cragplate Baloth
, Drove of Elves
, Dungrove Elder
, Geist of Saint Traft
, Gladecover Scout
, Hedron Alignment
, Humongulus
, Insidious Mist
, Invisible Stalker
Other Cards with this ability:*
Arboretum Elemental
, As Luck Would Have It
, Ascended Lawmage
, Aven Fleetwing
, Bassara Tower Archer
, Bastion Inventor
, Belltoll Dragon
, Benthic Giant
, Carnage Tyrant
, Cold-Water Snapper
, Conifer Strider
, Cragplate Baloth
, Drove of Elves
, Dungrove Elder
, Geist of Saint Traft
, Gladecover Scout
, Hedron Alignment
, Humongulus
, Insidious Mist
, Invisible Stalker
, Jade Guardian
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Abominable Treefolk
, Abyssal Persecutor
, Aetherstream Leopard
, Aetherwind Basker
, Aggressive Mammoth
, Ajani's Comrade
, Akoum Warrior
, Akroma, Angel of Fury
, Akroma, Angel of Wrath
, Aku Djinn
, Almighty Brushwagg
, Altar Golem
, Ambush Krotiq
, Ancient Stone Idol
, Angry Mob
, Arborback Stomper
, Arcbound Crusher
, Archdemon of Greed
, Archdemon of Unx
, Archon of Valor's Reach
Other Cards with this ability:*
Abominable Treefolk
, Abyssal Persecutor
, Aetherstream Leopard
, Aetherwind Basker
, Aggressive Mammoth
, Ajani's Comrade
, Akoum Warrior
, Akroma, Angel of Fury
, Akroma, Angel of Wrath
, Aku Djinn
, Almighty Brushwagg
, Altar Golem
, Ambush Krotiq
, Ancient Stone Idol
, Angry Mob
, Arborback Stomper
, Arcbound Crusher
, Archdemon of Greed
, Archdemon of Unx
, Archon of Valor's Reach
, Archweaver
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
Sagu Mauler
, Plated Crusher
, Carnage Tyrant

(3 identical cards)

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