Akoum Hellhound

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ZNR Zendikar Rising
Creature - Elemental Dog

Landfall - Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, Akoum Hellhound gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
Hellhound packs roam the Spikefields, basking in the harsh sunlight and lighting the night with their flames.

Card #133
Artist: Jason Kang
Release: 09/2020
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German nameAkoum-Höllenhund

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Landfall - Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, CARDNAME gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Brushfire Elemental
, Canopy Baloth
, Geyserfield Stalker
, Grove Rumbler
, Hagra Crocodile
, Hedron Rover
, Kazandu Mammoth
, Ondu Greathorn
, Plated Geopede
, Skyclave Geopede
, Steppe Lynx
, Territorial Baloth
, Valakut Predator
, Wave-Wing Elemental
, Windrider Eel
Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control
Other Cards with this trigger:*
Admonition Angel
, Adventuring Gear
, Akoum Firebird
, Akoum Hellkite
, Akoum Stonewaker
, Avenger of Zendikar
, Baloth Woodcrasher
, Belligerent Whiptail
, Bloodghast
, Brushfire Elemental
, Calcite Snapper
, Canopy Baloth
, Canyon Jerboa
, Caustic Crawler
, Cosi's Ravager
, Courser of Kruphix
, Dreadwurm
, Embodiment of Fury
, Embodiment of Insight
, Emeria Angel
Landfall - Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, CARDNAME gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
Other Cards with this ability:*
Brushfire Elemental
, Canopy Baloth
, Geyserfield Stalker
, Grove Rumbler
, Hagra Crocodile
, Hedron Rover
, Kazandu Mammoth
, Ondu Greathorn
, Plated Geopede
, Skyclave Geopede
, Steppe Lynx
, Territorial Baloth
, Valakut Predator
, Wave-Wing Elemental
, Windrider Eel
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
Landfall - Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, CARDNAME gets +2/+2 until end of turn.Brushfire Elemental
, Canopy Baloth
, Geyserfield Stalker
, Grove Rumbler
, Hagra Crocodile
, Hedron Rover
, Kazandu Mammoth
, Ondu Greathorn
, Plated Geopede
, Skyclave Geopede
, Steppe Lynx
, Territorial Baloth
, Valakut Predator
, Wave-Wing Elemental
, Windrider Eel

(15 identical cards)

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