Afflicted Deserter

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DKA Dark Ascension
Creature - Human Werewolf

At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform Afflicted Deserter.
The rising of the first full moon eliminated any doubt as to the horrible truth lurking within.

Card #81
Artist: David Palumbo
Release: 02/2012
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German nameBefallener Abtrünniger

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
drawback conditional, trigger upkeep
Card Ties: editlink to Werewolf Ransacker


At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform CARDNAME.
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Breakneck Rider
, Convicted Killer
, Daybreak Ranger
, Duskwatch Recruiter
, Gatstaf Arsonists
, Gatstaf Shepherd
, Geier Reach Bandit
, Grizzled Outcasts
, Hanweir Watchkeep
, Hermit of the Natterknolls
, Hinterland Hermit
, Hinterland Logger
, Huntmaster of the Fells
, Instigator Gang
, Kessig Forgemaster
, Kruin Outlaw
, Lambholt Elder
, Lambholt Pacifist
, Mayor of Avabruck
, Mondronen Shaman
At the beginning of each upkeep
Other Cards with this trigger:*
, Baleful Force
, Bane of Hanweir
, Branded Howler
, Breakneck Rider
, Call of the Full Moon
, Celestial Force
, Chaos Moon
, Concerted Effort
, Convicted Killer
, Crescendo of War
, Curse of Chains
, Daybreak Ranger
, Dragon Broodmother
, Dreampod Druid
, Duskwatch Recruiter
, Ephara, God of the Polis
, Feast on the Fallen
, First Response
, Flameheart Werewolf
At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform CARDNAME.
Other Cards with this ability:*
Breakneck Rider
, Convicted Killer
, Daybreak Ranger
, Duskwatch Recruiter
, Gatstaf Arsonists
, Gatstaf Shepherd
, Geier Reach Bandit
, Grizzled Outcasts
, Hanweir Watchkeep
, Hermit of the Natterknolls
, Hinterland Hermit
, Hinterland Logger
, Huntmaster of the Fells
, Instigator Gang
, Kessig Forgemaster
, Kruin Outlaw
, Lambholt Elder
, Lambholt Pacifist
, Mayor of Avabruck
, Mondronen Shaman
, Reckless Waif
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform CARDNAME.Breakneck Rider
, Lambholt Elder
, Villagers of Estwald
, Village Messenger
, Village Ironsmith
, Ulvenwald Mystics
, Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
, Tormented Pariah
, Solitary Hunter
, Scorned Villager
, Sage of Ancient Lore
, Reckless Waif
, Mondronen Shaman
, Mayor of Avabruck
, Lambholt Pacifist
, Kruin Outlaw
, Convicted Killer
, Kessig Forgemaster
, Instigator Gang
, Huntmaster of the Fells
, Hinterland Logger
, Hinterland Hermit
, Hermit of the Natterknolls
, Hanweir Watchkeep
, Grizzled Outcasts
, Geier Reach Bandit
, Gatstaf Shepherd
, Gatstaf Arsonists
, Duskwatch Recruiter
, Daybreak Ranger
, Wolfbitten Captive

(31 identical cards)

Decks with Afflicted Deserter

Sealed1 Sealed deck
Note: The Result may include decks with cards linked to this card. (see Card Ties.)

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