AEther Spellbomb

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{U}, Sacrifice Aether Spellbomb: Return target creature to its owner's hand. {1}, Sacrifice Aether Spellbomb: Draw a card.

Release: 07/2020

{U}, Sacrifice Aether Spellbomb: Return target creature to its owner's hand. {1}, Sacrifice Aether Spellbomb: Draw a card.
"Release that which was never caged."

Card #196
Artist: Jim Nelson
Release: 06/2013

{U}, Sacrifice Aether Spellbomb: Return target creature to its owner's hand. {1}, Sacrifice Aether Spellbomb: Draw a card.
"Release that which was never caged."

Card #61
Artist: Jim Nelson
Release: 09/2010

{U}, Sacrifice Aether Spellbomb: Return target creature to its owner's hand. {1}, Sacrifice Aether Spellbomb: Draw a card.
"Release that which was never caged."

Card #102
Artist: Jim Nelson
Release: 06/2010
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German nameÄther-Spruchbombe

Card Tags / Ties

Card Tags: edit
bounce creature, carddraw, sacrifice itself
Card Ties: editcycle Pyrite Spellbomb, Lifespark Spellbomb, Sunbeam Spellbomb, Necrogen Spellbomb


{1}, Sacrifice CARDNAME:Draw a card.
Other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost:*
Grave-Shell Scarab
, Lifespark Spellbomb
, Necrogen Spellbomb
, Pyrite Spellbomb
, Sunbeam Spellbomb
{1}, Sacrifice CARDNAME:
Other Cards with this activation cost:*
Alseid of Life's Bounty
, Bottle of Suleiman
, Cindervines
, Crosis's Attendant
, Culling Dais
, Darigaaz's Attendant
, Death's Oasis
, Dromar's Attendant
, Ember Hauler
, Goblin Cratermaker
, Grave-Shell Scarab
, Lifespark Spellbomb
, Necrogen Spellbomb
, Phyrexian Furnace
, Pyrite Spellbomb
, Qasali Pridemage
, Resolute Watchdog
, Rith's Attendant
, Scrabbling Claws
, Scroll of Avacyn
Draw a card.
Other Cards with this ability:*
, Abzan Banner
, Accelerate
, Acrobatic Maneuver
, Afflict
, Aggressive Urge
, Alchemist's Apprentice
, Anje Falkenrath
, Annihilate
, Aphotic Wisps
, Arcane Encyclopedia
, Arcane Spyglass
, Archivist
, Argent Mutation
, Arguel's Blood Fast
, Aura Blast
, Aura Finesse
, Ayara, First of Locthwain
, Azami, Lady of Scrolls
, Azorius Cluestone
, Azure Mage
{U}, Sacrifice CARDNAME:Return target creature to its owner's hand.
No other Cards with this set of ability / activation cost.
{U}, Sacrifice CARDNAME:
Other Cards with this activation cost:*
Enigma Eidolon
, Glen Elendra Archmage
, Grimoire Thief
, Hydromorph Guardian
, Hydromorph Gull
, Implement of Examination
, Recantation
, Riptide Chronologist
, Siren Stormtamer
, Vessel of Paramnesia
, Wizard Replica
Return target creature to its owner's hand.
Other Cards with this ability:*
Angelic Shield
, Arrester's Admonition
, Barrin, Master Wizard
, Clutch of Currents
, Consuming Vortex
, Crackleburr
, Crashing Tide
, Drag Under
, Drown in Shapelessness
, Far
, Flooded Shoreline
, Force Away
, Jace, the Mind Sculptor
, Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
, Just the Wind
, Neurok Replica
, Nightscape Master
, Repulse
, Seal of Removal
, Silent Departure
, Snapback
* maximum of 20 other cards shown
Identical Cards (with matching abilities)
Draw a card.
Return target creature to its owner's hand.
Symbol of Unsummoning
, Repulse
, Crashing Tide
, Drag Under

(4 identical cards)

Decks with AEther Spellbomb

Casual2 Casual decks
Commander3 Commander decks
Highlander2 Highlander decks
Legacy2 Legacy decks
Limited: other1 Limited: other deck
Standard1 Standard deck

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